Every month I’ll be posting Life Hacks that I’ve used in my own personal life.
I’m doing this because I not only want to deliver great lifestyle design/life hack related content, but I want my fans to know that I’m on a mission to hack my way and design the lifestyle I desire and I want to help them do the same.
I’ve come to the realization that there are a lot of life hack websites out there with interesting hacks, tricks, good-to-knows and this-may-come-in-handys but many of them fail to bring it all together under one cohesive theme with an end purpose in mind.
To set myself apart from the herd, I’ve decided that regardless of the size of the hack, the end purpose I’m going to keep in mind is to increase freedom and maximize life, which falls right in line with lifestyle design mantra.
So far, I’m not 100% of the way there in achieving the lifestyle of my dreams, but it’s the journey that often makes us appreciate the destination even more. We’ll see what works, what doesn’t and what I learn along the way. And I’ll share that journey with you in hopes that you achieve your goals and dreams
October 2016 (1 year anniversary special)