A Tale of Two Smartwatches: The Moto 360 Gen 2 vs. the Gear S2
I recently had the opportunity to wear two smartwatches and test the Moto 360 gen 2 against the Samsung Gear S2. This “experiment” was sort of an accident, as I never intended to do it until I found myself with the 2 smartwatches trying to decide which one I wanted to keep. I then decided to compare the 2 and publish my own personal findings. Which one did I keep and why? Read the post to find out…
How to Install the Latest Version of Android on a Samsung Galaxy Phone
Do you own a Samsung Galaxy S3 or other Samsung Galaxy? Perhaps you’ve thought of updating your phone to the latest version of the Android OS but aren’t sure where to start. When I had my Galaxy S3, I upgraded my phone from Android 2.1 to Android KitKat 4.4. The Galaxy S3’s hardware had plenty of power to run the OS well and when I was done it was almost like getting a new phone, not to mention that I added a few years to its life. Here’s how I did it…
Video: How to Rip CD Music to mp3
If you grew up during the 1990’s, or even the first half of the last decade, you may have a CD collection. You may also own an iPod (or other Mp3 player) or a smartphone. Why bother paying $1.29 a pop for songs you’ve already purchased years ago? This video shows you how to rip the songs from your CDs and convert them to Mp3 format so you can load them on your iPod, smartphone, etc…
In The Cloud We Trust: Cloud Computing Basics
The word “cloud” has become synonymous with the Internet. Cloud based apps and storage have become pervasive. If you own a business (like I do) the Cloud can be a boon. Some people think the cloud will create a technology equilibrium between small business owners and large corporations. Here’ I’ll talk about the basics of cloud computing, advantages, and disadvantages…